
Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Scared Stiff: Jiangshi and Chinese Vampires.” The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire. Ed. Simon Bacon. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 1-21.
  2. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Asian Gothic: Asian Folklore and Globalgothic.” The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic. Ed. Rebecca Duncan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023. 411-424.
  3. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Monsters in the Making: Phi Pop in Thai Folk Horror.” Folk Horror: New Global Pathways. Eds. Dawn Keetley and Ruth Heholt. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2023. 167-184.
  4. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Seoul Station – South Korean Undead.” The Undead in the 21st Century. Ed. Simon Bacon. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022. 65-72.
  5. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Representations of Magic in Thai Cinema: Khmer Magic.” Magic: A Companion.  Ed. Katharina Rein. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang, 2022. 81-88.
  6. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Fight Like a Girl: Jeeja Yanin as a Female Martial Arts Star.” Film Stardom in Southeast Asia. Ed. Jonathan Driskell. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 203-219.
  7. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Detecting Ghosts: Anjaan: Special Crimes Unit as Global Gothic Television.” South Asian Gothic: Haunted Cultures, Histories and Media. Eds. Katarzyna Ancuta and Deimantas Valanciunas. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. 243-258.
  8. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “From Revenants to Vampires: The Transmedia Evolution of the Jiangshi.” The Transmedia Vampire: Essays on Technological Convergence and the Undead. Ed. Simon Bacon. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland, 2021.146-161.
  9. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Communal After-Living: Asian Ghosts and the City.” The New Urban Gothic: Global Gothic in the Age of the Anthropocene. Eds. Holy-Gale Millette and Ruth Heholt. London: Palgrave, 2020. 173-190.
  10. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Gothic and Installation Art: Spectral Materialities, Monstrous Ephemera.” Gothic and the Arts. Ed. David Punter. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 82-106.
  11. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Under the Dying Sun: Suicide and the Gothic in Modern Japanese Literature and Culture.” Suicide and the Gothic. Eds. Andrew Smith and William Hughes. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. 160-175.
  12. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Asian Gothic.” Twenty-First Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion. Eds. Maisha Wester and Xavier Aldana-Reyes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 249-262.
  13. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Sadako Yamamura and the Ring Cycle (1991-present) – Asian Horror.” Horror: A Companion. Ed. Simon Bacon. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019. 151-158.
  14. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Hong Kong Gothic: Category III Films as Gothic Cinema.” B-Movie Gothic: International Perspectives. Eds. Justin D. Edwards and Johan Höglund. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. 186-208.
  15. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Otsuichi’s Goth (2002) – Japanese Gothic.” The Gothic: A Reader. Ed. Simon Bacon. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 97-104.
  16. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Strange Ghosts: Asian Reconfigurations of the Chinese Ghost Story.” The Routledge Handbook to the Ghost Story. Eds. Scott Brewster and Luke Thurston.London: Routledge, 2017. 260-269.
  17. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Return of the Dismembered: Representing Organ Trafficking in Asian Cinemas.” Neoliberal Gothic: International Gothic in the Neoliberal Age. Eds. Linnie Blake and Agnieszka Soltysik-Monet. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. 83-103.
  18. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Kino z duchami, czyli straszenie po tajsku. Współczesny tajski horror jako efekt globalizacji tajskiego przemysłu filmowego.” [“Ghost Cinema: Contemporary Thai Horror and the Globalization of Thai Film Industry”]. Cicha Eksplozja: Nowe Kino Azji Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej. [Silent Explosion: New Cinema from East and Southeast Asia]. Ed. Jagoda Murczyńska. Kraków, Warszawa: ha!art, 2016. 99-119.
  19. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “That’s the Spirit: Horror Films as an Extension of Thai Spiritualism.” Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Cultural Contexts, Audiences. Ed. Peter J. Bräunlein and Andrea Lauser. Leiden: Brill, 2016. 123-140.
  20. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Smiling Dead, or On the Empirical Impossibility of Thai Zombies.” Vampires and Zombies: Trancultural Migrations and Transnational Interpretations. Eds. Dorothea Fischer-Hornung and Monika Mueller. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2016. 21-42.
  21. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Surf’s up: The Korean Wave and Thai Cinema.” The Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Cultural Production. Eds. Mary J. Ainslie and Joanne B.Y. Lim. Singapore: SIRD, 2014. 31-52.
  22. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Asian Gothic.” The Cambridge Companion to Modern Gothic. Ed. Jerrold E. Hogle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 208-223.
  23. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Temporal City: Spectral Topographies and the Ephemeral Performance of Bangkok.” “Hours Like Bright Sweets in a Jar”: Time and Temporality in Literature and Culture. Eds. Alicja Bemben and Sonia Front. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 45-66.
  24. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghost Skins: Globalizing the Supernatural in Thai Horror Film.” Globalgothic. Ed. Glennis Byron.  Manchester: Manchester UP, 2013: 144-156.
  25. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Asian Gothic.” A New Companion to the Gothic. Ed. David. Punter. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012: 428-441.
  26. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghosts, Revenants and Spectres: The Side-effects of Dying.” Facing Finality: Cognitive and Cultural Studies on Death and Dying. Ed. Erich A. Berendt. Louisville: University of Louisville, 2011. 106-126.
  27. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Thaid Up in Knots: Making Sense of Thai Socio-cultural Values.” The Surplus of Culture: Sense, Common-Sense and Non-Sense. Eds. Ewa Borkowska and Tomasz Burzynski. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2011: 157-166.
  28. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Still Deaths: The Dialectics of Photography in Contemporary Asian Horror Film.” Gothic NEWS. Vol 2. Ed. Gilles Menegaldo. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2011: 193-207.
  29. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Transgresja i ekstaza: Gotyk jako forma teorii.”  [“Transgression and Ecstasy: Gothic as Theory”]. Pogranicza Teorii Literatury. [Borders of Literary Theory]. Ed. Ewa Rychter. Wałbrzych, 2010: 157-167.
  30. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „W przestrzeniach Gotyku: Bangkok, czyli Miasto Odmiennych Aniołów.” [“Gothic Spaces: Bangkok or the City of Different Angels”]. Znaki, tropy, mgławice. [Signs, Tropes and Nebulae]. Ed. Leszek Drong. Katowice: University of Silesia Press, 2009: 21-32.
  31. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Mermaids in Manholes with Ebola Syndrome, or, Political (In)correctness Oriental Style.” Political Correctness: Mouth Wide Shut? Eds. Wojciech Kalaga, Jacek Mydla and Katarzyna Ancuta.Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009: 195-204.
  32. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Kaosu Means Chaos: The Japanese Sense of Fear and its Consequences for Contemporary Horror Cinema.” Fire and Ice: The Dialectics of Chaos and Order. Eds. Małgorzata Nitka and Piotr Dziedzic. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2007: 90-106.
  33. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Things We Do for Love: Jeffrey Dahmer and Cannibal Love Culture.” Spoiling Cannibals’ Fun? Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał.  Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005: 173-186.
  34. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Horror Bodies: Horror Inspirations in Contemporary Art.” The (Trans)Human: Bodies, Spaces, Virtualities. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2005: 39-59.
  35. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Meat Hooks, Chainsaws and the Meataphysics of Horror.” Feeding Culture: The Pleasures and Perils of Appetite. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004: 77-90.
  36. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Eyes, Lies and Silent Spies: Under the Gaze of the Gothic Spectator.” The Same, The Other, The Third. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2004: 129-144.
  37. Ancuta, Katarzyna.“Music for the Vampire: Musical Interpretation of the Myth of the Undead.” In the Space of Arts. Ed. Ewa Borkowska. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2004: 118-135.
  38. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Sinners and Martyrs, or, In Goth We Trust – Contemporary Gothic and the Pleasures of Renunciation.” leid.geprüft.Eds. Thomas W. Duschlbauer and Peter Klimitsch. Linz: Edition Gruppe für angewandte Texte, 2004: 60-74.
  39. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Rozpad Tożsamości – Tożsamość Rozpadu. Nowa Dekadencja Europejska.” [“Disintegration of Identity – Identity of Disintegration. New European Decadence”]. Kultura Dialogu. [The Culture of Dialogue]. Eds. Ewa Borkowska and Andrzej Łyda. Katowice: Wydawnictwo WSZMiJO w Katowicach, 2004: 71-78.
  40. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Violating the Visual: Contempoary Art and Visual Misrepresentation.” Wor(l)ds in Transition. Eds. Ewa Borkowska and Andrzej Łyda. Katowice: Wydawnictwo WSZMiJO w Katowicach, 2004: 183-190.
  41. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies, or, How to Be the Living Dead in Technicolor.” Transformations I: Identity and Property. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2002: 11-28.
  42. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “They Wore Black Velvet: Transgenderism and (bi)sexual ambiguity of Gothic.”  A Queer Mixture: Gender Perspectives on Minority Sexual Identities. Eds. Tomasz Sikora, Dominika Ferens and Tomasz Basiuk. Katowice: Śląsk, 2002: 193-204.
  43. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “[Wo]men in Black: Exiles in Contemporary Gothic.” The Writing of Exile. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Śląsk, 2001: 149-164.
  44. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Pain into Pleasure, or, on the Horror of Creation: Notes on Reading Clive Barker’s The Great and Secret Show. (Aesth)etics of Interpretation: Essays in Cultural Practice. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2000: 159-170.
  45. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Brains, Minds and Printed Circuits: Morning Thoughts on Memory and Contemporary SF Films.” Memory and Forgetfulness: Essays in Cultural Practice. Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 1999: 163-174.

Articles in Academic Journals

  1. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “From Folklore to Horror: The Medium as a Case for Thai Folk Horror.” Horror Studies 14.2 (2023): 249-263.
  2. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Sons, Husbands, Brothers: The Gothic Worlds of Thai Men in the Films of Kongkiat Khomsiri.” The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 11.1&2 (2022): 133-146.
  3. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “B is for Baempaieo: The Rise of K-vampires.” Continuum 35.2 (2021): 233-245.
  4. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “The Waiting Woman as the Most Enduring Asian Ghost Heroine.” Gothic Studies 22.1 (2020): 81-97.
  5. Ancuta, Katarzyna, “Love, Death and Laughter in the City of Different Angels: S.P. Somtow’s Bangkok Gothic.” eTropic 18.1 (2019): 70-89.
  6. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Patterns of Shadows: Japanese Crime Gothic as Neo-Gothic.” Echinox 35 (2018): 269-287.
  7. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Beyond the Vampire: Revamping Thai Monsters for the Urban Age.” eTropic 16.1 (2017): 1-15.
  8. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Lost and Found: The Found Footage Phenomenon and Southeast Asian Supernatural Horror Film Genre.” Plaridel 12.2 (2015): 149-177.
  9. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Thai Horror Film: Ghosts, Archives of History/ies, ‘Real Life,’ and Collective Trauma.” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 12.1 (2014): 46-61.
  10. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Spirits in Suburbia: Ghosts, Global Desires and the Rise of Thai Middle-Class Horror.” Horror Studies 5.2 (2014): 233-247.
  11. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Medical Mysteries: Madness, Magic, Malevolent Doctors in Contemporary Thai Horror Film.” Orbis Linguarum 40. Eds. E. Bialek, K. Huszcza and E. Rychter. Dresden, Wroclaw: Neisse Verlag & Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2014. 427-440.
  12. Ancuta, Katarzyna.  „Geister, Wiedergänger und Gespenster: die Nebemwirkungen des Sterbens.” Zeitschrift für Anomalistic 13 (2013): 42-68.
  13. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Global Spectrologies: Contemporary Thai Horror Film and the Globalization of the Supernatural.” Horror Studies 2.1 (2011): 131-144.
  14. Ancuta, Katarzyna.“Spiritus ex Machina: Spectral Technologies in Asian Horror Film.”Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 3.1-3.2 (2009): 168-184.
  15. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghosts and the Machines: Spectres of Technological Revolution.” Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 2.2 (2008): 29-41.
  16. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ringu and the Vortex of Horror: Contemporary Japanese Horror and the Technology of Chaos.” Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 1.1 (2007): 23-42.
  17. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “I Think I’m Turning Japanese, or, Asia Does Horror.” Literature and Linguistics 3 (2005): 67-82.
  18. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „W imię miłości. Jeffrey Dahmer i zakochani kanibale.” [“In the Name of Love: Jeffrey Dahmer and Cannibals in Love”].ER(R)GO 7.2 (2003): 39-52.
  19. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Krajobraz z rzeźnią w tle. Horror, czyli sztuka mięsa.” [“Landscape with a Slaughterhouse in the Background. Horror or Meat Art”].  ER(R)GO 4.1 (2002): 83-96.

Chapters in Anthologies

  1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Introduction to the Section on “Subjectivity.” Literary Theory: A Critical Reader. Ed. Wojciech Kalaga. Katowice: Śląsk, 2004.

Entries in Encyclopaedias

  1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Subsection on “Southeast Asian Ghosts” for the entry on “Ghosts.” The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ed. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock. Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2013.
  2. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Entries on “Asian Gothic” and “Japanese Gothic.” The Encyclopedia of the Gothic. Ed. David Punter, William Hughes, and Andrew Smith. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  3. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Entries on “Footbinding,” “Geisha,” “Hysteria,” “Murder,” “Sade,” “Voyerism.” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship and Sexuality through History, Vol. 4: The Colonial and Revolutionary Era. Ed. Merril D. Smith. Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.

Reviews, Interviews and Critical Notes

  1. Ancuta Katarzyna and Li-hsin Hsu. “Why Do We Need Asian Gothic?” The Wenshan Review 16.1 (June 2023).
  2. Ancuta Katarzyna and Deimantas Valanciunas. “Introduction.” South Asian Gothic: Haunted Cultures, Histories and Media. Eds. Katarzyna Ancuta and Deimantas Valanciunas. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. 1-16.
  3. Ancuta, Katarzyna, Anita Lundberg and Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska. “Tropical Gothic: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.” eTropic 18.1 (June 2019): 1-11.
  4. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Entries on “Yuthlert Sippapak,” “Banjong Pisanthanakun,” “Pen-ek Ratanaruang,” “Nang Phi/Nang Sayong Khwan/Horror,” “Muay Thai/Action.” The Complete Guide to Thai Cinema. Eds Katarzyna Ancuta and Mary J. Ainslie. London: I.B. Tauris, 2018.
  5. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Reviews of “The Gangster,” “Slice,” “Meat Grinder,” The Body 19,” “The House,” “The Victim,” “Scared,” “Ladda Land,” “Raging Phoenix,” “Muay Thai Chaiya,” “Concrete Clouds,” “It Gets Better,” “Paradoxocracy,” and “The Last Executioner.” The Complete Guide to Thai Cinema. Eds. Katarzyna Ancuta and Mary J. Ainslie. London: I.B. Tauris, 2018.
  6. Ancuta, Katarzyna and Patrick J. Campos. “Locating Southeast Asian Horror Cinema.” Introduction to Special Issue on Locating Southeast Asian Cinema. Plaridel 12.2. (August 2015): i-vi.
  7. Ancuta, Katarzyna and Mary J. Ainslie. “Thai Horror Film: International Success, History and the Avant-garde.” Introduction to Special Issue on Thai Horror Film. Horror Studies 5.2. (Oct 2014): 153-156.
  8. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 5.2. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 5.3. (2011): i-ii.
  9. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 5.2.  Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 5.2. (2011): i-ii.
  10. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “In Conversation with Pen-ek Ratanaruang.” Interview. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 5.1. (2011): 209-219.
  11. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 5.1. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 5.1. (2011): i-ii.
  12. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 4.2. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 4.2. (2010): i-iv.
  13. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “In Conversation with Ham Tran.” Interview.  Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 4.1. (2010): 160-176.
  14. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 4.1. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 4.1. (2010): i-v.
  15. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 3.2. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 3.1.-3.2. (2009): i-ii.
  16. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial 3.1. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 3.1.-3.2. (2009): i-iv.
  17. Ancuta, Katarzyna, ed. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 2.2. (Oct 2008). Bangkok: Assumption University Press, 2008.
  18. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “One Dark Night in Bangkok.” Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 2.1. (2008): 122-124.
  19. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 2.1. (2008): iii-vi.
  20. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “For the Love of Spectacle.” Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 1.2. (2007): 90-101.
  21. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 1.2. (2007): iii-vi.
  22. Ancuta, Katarzyna. Editorial. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society 1.1 (2007): iii-v.

Articles in Popular Magazines / Blu-Ray Essays

  • Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Zombi (zdez)orientowane orientalnie.” Creatio Fantastica 41. 2013.
  • Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Wampir po azjatycku.” Creatio Fantastica 40. 2013.
  • Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Black Velvet.” OFF Magazine. May 2004: 29-32.
  • Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Black Velvet. Płeć środka i (bi)seksualna płynność gotyku.” [“Black Velvet: Gender in the Middle and (Bi)sexual Fluidity of Gothic”] ResPublica nr 6/2003: 12-19.

Translations and Lexicography

  1. Translator and lexicographer working on The Great Polish-English/English-Polish PWN/OUP Dictionary. Warsaw & Oxford: PWN/OUP, 2002.
  2. Translated a number of short works of fiction and historical documents for the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp Museum and the museum’s periodical Pro Memoria.