This page contains links to useful online resources I have stumbled on when when investigating Asian Gothic and Asian Horror. Just like the Bibliographies page, it is far from complete and I will keep updating it. This is just the beginning.
Asian Folklore Resources
- Aswang Project https://www.aswangproject.com/
- Japanese ghost stories https://hyakumonogatari.com/
- Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture https://folkency.nfm.go.kr/main
- Philippine Spirits https://phspirits.com/
- Taipei puppets https://www.taipei-puppet.com/
- Taiwanese folklore https://islandfolklore.com/
- Taoist sorcery https://taoist-sorcery.blogspot.com/
- Yokai Encyclopedia https://yokai.com/
- Zhiguai translations https://huhaixinwen.wordpress.com/
Asian Horror / Popular Culture
- Japanese horror and popular culture https://lindsaynelson.jp/
- Thai comics https://from-dusk-till-drawn.com/
Open Access Gothic / Horror Journals
- Aeternum https://www.aeternumjournal.com/
- Dissections Journal https://dissections.co.uk/
- Cine-Excess https://www.cine-excess.co.uk
- Gothic Nature Journal https://gothicnaturejournal.com/
- Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies https://irishgothicjournal.net/
- Monstrum https://www.monstrum-society.ca/journal–revue.html
- Revenant Journal https://www.revenantjournal.com/
- Studies in Gothic Fiction https://sgf.cardiffuniversitypress.org/
- The Dark Arts Journal https://thedarkartsjournal.wordpress.com/
Film Websites / Databases
- Asian Movie Pulse https://asianmoviepulse.com/
- Bloody Disgusting https://bloody-disgusting.com/
- Dread Central https://www.dreadcentral.com/
- Eastern Kicks https://www.easternkicks.com/
- Godzilla Official Website https://godzilla.com/
- Hong Kong Movie Database https://www.hkmdb.com/
- Horror Homeroom https://www.horrorhomeroom.com/
- Korean cinema database https://www.hancinema.net/
- Korean Film https://koreanfilm.org/
- Midnight Eye http://www.midnighteye.com/
- Modern Korean Cinema http://www.modernkoreancinema.com/
- Rue Morgue https://rue-morgue.com/
- The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film and Television https://eofftv.com
- The Hauntologist https://www.thehauntologist.com/
- Wise Kwai’s Thai Film Journal 2003-2016 http://thaifilmjournal.blogspot.com/
Monster Theory
- Simon Bacon https://simonjbacon.wordpress.com/
- The Vampirologist https://thevampirologist.wordpress.com/
- Zombie Studies Network https://zombiestudiesnetwork.com/