
Conference Papers

  1. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “‘All We Need to Do is Whisper’: The Transnational Appeal of (Asian) Folk Gothic.” Paper presented at the 17th IGA Conference Gothic Trans/Iterations. Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA, July 30-August 2, 2024.
  2. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Spirited Away: The Allure of Asian Folk Gothic.” Paper presented at The Pan-Asian Quest for Cultural Authenticity: The Fantastic and the Folkloric in Film and the Creative Industries. Ningbo, CHINA, 3-4 May 2024.
  3. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Blood, Magic and Bullets: Gothic Masculinities in Gangster Films of Kongkiat Khomsiri.” Paper presented at Captivating Criminality 9: Crime and the Gothic. Hybrid/Bangkok, THAILAND, 2-4 March 2023.
  4. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Pandemic Interrupted, or I Want My (Gothic) K-TV.” Paper presented at the 16th IGA Conference Gothic Interrupted. Dublin, IRELAND, 26-29 July 2022.
  5. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Strange No More: The Return of the Nuclear Parable in Contemporary Japanese Reimaginings of Godzilla.” Paper presented at Fear 2000: Horror Undying. Online, 1-3 July 2022.
  6. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Asian Gothic: Asian Folklore and Globalgothic.” Paper presented at Gothic Trajectories, GANZA Interim Conference. Online, 27-28 January 2022.
  7. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Monsters in the Making: Phi Pop and Thai Folk Horror.” Paper presented at Australasian Horror Society Network “Monster” Symposium. Online, 30 October 2021.
  8. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “From Revenants to Vampires: The Transmedia Evolution of the Jiangshi.” Paper presented at Fear 2000: Horror Unbound. Online, 10-12 September 2021.
  9. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Social Disruption and Law-Abiding Ghosts: Anjaan: Special Crimes Unit and the Social Dimension of Gothic Television.” Paper presented at Dark Economies: Anxious Futures, Fearful Pasts. Online/Falmouth, UK, 21-23 July 2021.
  10. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Necro-ecology: Death, Life and Disease in Yan Lianke’s Dream of Ding Village and The Years, Months, Days.” Paper presented at Gothic in a Time of Contagion, Populism and Social Injustice. Online, 10-13 March 2021.
  11. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Comunal After-Living: Haunted Apartments as Gothic Spaces in Asian Horror Film.” Paper presented at Gothic Spaces., Tokyo, JAPAN, 19-20 October 2019.
  12. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Spectral Materialities: The Haunted/Haunting Objects in Asian Horror Film.” Paper presented at the 13th ACSS Conference: The Environments of Asian Cinema. Singapore, SINGAPORE, 24-26 June 2019.
  13. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghosts, Myths and Magic: Supernaturalism and Twenty-First Century Asian Gothic.” Paper presented at the 14th IGA Conference: Gothic Hybrydities. Manchester, UK, 31 July-3 August 2018.
  14. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghosts, Monsters, and Humans in an Age of Modernisation: The Bodies of Feminine Evil in Thai Horror Film.” Paper presented at the Tropics of the Imagination Conference: Living Cities – Tropical Imaginaries. Singapore, SINGAPORE, 6-9 September 2017.
  15. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Love, Death, and Laughter in the City of Different Angels: S.P. Somtow’s Bangkok Gothic.” Paper presented at the 3rd COLALITE Conference: Humor and Horror in Language. Purwokerto, INDONESIA, 19 August 2017.
  16. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Strange Ghosts: Asian Reconfigurations of the Chinese Ghost Story.” Paper presented at the 13th Biennial IGA Conference: Gothic Traditions and Departures. Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Cholula, MEXICO, 18-21 July 2017.
  17. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Japanization as a Successful Strategy in the Making of a Thai Celebrity – the Case of Nadech Kugimiya.” Paper presented at the International Workshop on Film Stardom in Southeast Asia. Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 24-25 November 2016.
  18. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Return of the Dismembered: Representing Organ Trafficking in Asian Cinemas.” Paper presented at the 12th Biennial IGA Conference: Gothic Migration. Vancouver, CANADA,28 July-1 August 2015.
  19. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Lost and Found: The Found Footage Phenomenon and Southeast Asian Supernatural Horror Film Genre.” Paper presented at the 8th Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference: Codes, Kitsch, Camp: Genre in/and Southeast Asian Cinemas. Salaya, THAILAND, 7-10 July 2014.
  20. Ancuta, Katarzyna and Solarsin Ngoenwichit. “Making Horror Movies in Southeast Asia.” Panel Discussion. DORISEA-VICAS Workshop: Religious Transformations in Southeast Asia. Hanoi, VIETNAM, 3-5 October 2013.
  21. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Sons, Husbands, Brothers: The Gothic Worlds of Thai Men in the Films of Kongkiat Khomsiri.” Paper presented at the 11th Biennial IGA Conference: Gothic Technologies – Gothic Techniques. University of Surrey, UK. 5-8 August 2013.
  22. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Surf’s Up: The Korean Wave and Thai Cinema.” Keynote Address. The Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Production. Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 10 January 2013.
  23. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “That’s the Spirit! Horror Films as an Extension of Thai Spiritualism.” Paper presented at the International Workshop on Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia and Beyond organised by DORISEA, University of Goettingen. Goettingen, GERMANY, 4-6 November 2012.
  24. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Horror Film as an Archive: Thai ‘Real Life’ Horror Films, History and Collective Trauma.” Paper presented at the 7th Annual Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference: The Politics, Practices and Poetics of the Archive. Singapore, SINGAPORE, 19-22 June 2012.
  25. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Murder by Numbers: Domesticating Serial Killer Narratives in Asian Cinemas.” Paper presented at the Asian Cinema Studies Conference. Hong Kong, CHINA, 15-22 March 2012.
  26. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghost Visions: Thai Spirits and the Horror Film.” Paper presented at the International Workshop on Ghosts in Asian Cinemas organised by the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Zurich. Zurich, SWITZERLAND, 4-6 November 2011.
  27. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “In Search of Asian Gothic: Thai Literary Gothic.” Paper presented at the 10th Biennial IGA Conference: Gothic Limits – Gothic Ltd. Heidelberg, GERMANY. 2-5 August 2011.
  28. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Spirits in Suburbia: Ghosts, Global Desires and the Rise of Thai Middle-Class Horror.” Paper presented at the Symposium on Haunting and Globalization: Symptoms of the Present. Bangkok, THAILAND. 25 July 2011.
  29. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Smiling Dead, or On the Empirical Impossibility of Thai Zombies.” Paper presented at the 4th Annual International ACSA Conference: Visual Imagination: Across Boundaries. Bangkok, THAILAND. 1-3 November 2010.
  30.  Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Global Spectrologies: Contemporary Thai Horror and the Globalization of the Supernatural.” Paper presented at the 6th Annual South-East Asian Cinemas Conference: Circuits of Exchange (With)in South-East Asian Cinema. Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM. 1-4 July 2010.
  31. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Thaid Up in Knots: Making Sense of Cultural Values in Thai Media Representations of Thai Society.” Paper presented at the International Conference of the Institute of English Cultures and Literatures, University of Silesia: The Surplus of Culture: Sense – Common-Sense – Non-Sense. Ustroń, POLAND, 16-19 September 2009.
  32. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Medical Mysteries: Madness, Magic and Malevolent Doctors in Contemporary Thai Horror Film.” Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International ACSA Conference – Permanence and Change: The Roles of Culture and Language. Bangkok, THAILAND, 13-14 August 2009.
  33. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghost Screens/Ghost Screenings: Supernatural Technologies in Contemporary Thai Horror Film.” Paper presented at the 2009 International Gothic Association (IGA) Conference: Monstrous Media/ Spectral Subjects, IGA 2009. Lancaster, UK, 21-24 July 2009.
  34. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Spiritus ex Machina: Spectral Technologies in Asian Horror Film.” Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International ACSA Conference – Asian Ways: Traditions and Transitions. Bangkok, THAILAND, 5-6 August 2008.
  35. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ghosts and the Machines: Spectres of Technological Revolution.” Paper presented at the 1st Global Gothic Symposium: Interrogations. University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, 11-12 July 2008.
  36. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Ringu and the Vortex of Horror: Contemporary Japanese Horror and the Technology of Chaos.” Paper presented at the 2007 International Gothic Association (IGA) Conference: Gothic N.E.W.S., IGA 2007. Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE, 25-29 June 2007.
  37. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Bangkok Gothic: Urban Spaces of Transgression and Excess.” Paper presented at the 1st Annual International ACSA Conference. Bangkok, THAILAND, 30 March – 1 April 2007.
  38. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Dancing in the Graveyard. Goth-ic and the Language of Dance.” Paper presented at the 2005 International Gothic Association (IGA) Conference: Deviance and Defiance, IGA 2005. Montreal, CANADA, 10-14 August 2005.
  39. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “CHAOSU means Chaos: the Japanese sense of fear and its consequences for contemporary Horror cinema.” Paper presented at Annual Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: The Dialectics of Chaos and Order. Szczyrk, POLAND, 18-20 May 2005.
  40. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Mermaids in Manholes with Ebola Syndrome, or Political (In)Correctness Oriental Style.” Paper presented at International Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Mouth Wide Shut? – Political Correctness, Ustroń, POLAND, 17-20 September 2004.
  41. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Urban Bodies, Gothic Spaces.” Paper presented at VII International Conference of European Society for the Study of English (ESSE). Saragossa, SPAIN, 8-12 September 2004.
  42. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Etyka czasu w filmie fantastyczno-naukowym.” Paper presented in Polish at Regional Conference on Language and Literature: Czas w języku i kulturze. [Time in Language and Culture]. Ustroń-Jaszowiec, POLAND, 29-30 November 2004.
  43. Ancuta, Katarzyna. „Rozpad tożsamości, tożsamość rozpadu. Nowa dekadencja europejska.” Paper presented in Polish at Regional Conference on Language and Literature: Kultura dialogu. Tożsamość europejska a edukacja.  [The Culture of Dialogue. European Identity and Education]. Katowice, POLAND, 17 December 2003.
  44. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Music for the Vampire: Musical Interpretation of the Myth of the Undead.” Paper presented at Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: In the Space of Arts.Szczyrk, POLAND, May 2003.
  45. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Things We Do for Love: Jeffrey Dahmer and Cannibal Love Culture.” Paper presented at International Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Spoiling Cannibals’ Fun? Ustroń, POLAND, September 2002.
  46. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “They Wore Black Velvet: Transgenderism and (Bi)sexual Ambiguity of Gothic.” Paper presented at International Gender Studies Conference: Gender Perspectives on Minority Sexual Identities. Karpacz, POLAND, June 2002.
  47. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Horror Bodies: Horror Inspirations in Contemporary Art.” Paper presented at Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Transformations III: Bodies, Spaces, Virtualities. Szczyrk, POLAND, May 2002.
  48. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Meat Hooks, Chainsaws and the Meataphysics of Horror.” Paper presented at International Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Viands, Wines and Spirits. Ustroń, POLAND, September 2001.
  49. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Eyes, Lies and Silent Spies: Under the Gaze of the Gothic Spectator.” Paper presented at Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Transformations II: The Same, The Other, The Third. Szczyrk, POLAND, May 2001.
  50. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies, or, How to Be the Living Dead in Technicolor.” Paper presented at Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: Transformations I: Identity and Property. Szczyrk, POLAND, May 2000.
  51. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “Pain into Pleasure, or, on the Horror of Creation: Notes on Reading Clive Barker’s The Great and Secret Show.”Paper presented at Institute of British and American Literature and Culture (IBACL) Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: (Aesth)etics of Interpretation. Szczyrk, POLAND, May 1998.
  52. Ancuta, Katarzyna. “[Wo]men in Black: Exiles in Contemporary Gothic.” Paper presented at International Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies: The Writing of Exile. Ustroń, POLAND, September 1997.